

Meri Maccanelli, MKT, LC, MRT, CNT

I am an alchemist therapist and have been practicing for the past 40 years. My life experiences and choices have taken me to many different areas of holistic healing. Throughout my life I have been led to learning the untraditional, traditional and varied means of healing for oneself and for others.I am certified and accredited in various techniques. Some of the modalities that I use are Body Awareness, Conscious Coaching, Kinetic Therapy, Energy Medicine (Qigong and Nia yoga), remedial therapies. 

My own experiences with hyper-activity, an eating disorder and IBS led me to study Ayuvedic philosophy, yoga and meditation. In the years that followed I was led to Naturalopathy for combating fears, relationship issues, and the loss/death of my family. While studying Naturalopathy doors were opened for me to study Oriental medicine in China. In China I was able to learn the medicine and how to relate this with the lifestyle and situations one creates throughout life’s journey. Inspired by what I had always known, I began to play my part to reach many.

My alchemist approach to healing and wellness is unique. I focus on the needs of the individuals instead of offering a typical one-size-fits-all approach. My intention is to help my clients obtain their highest quality of awareness in health. 

After 40 years of work, I have combined my studies to form my style of work, Kinetic Therapy. I continue to learn and share my knowledge in Herbalogy, Nutrition, body work, coaching-emotional release techniques, physical release techniques, and spiritual well being. My work is my path and encouraging all whom I encounter as part of my journey.

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Founder Explorations

For my training I have traveled and studied extensively in the United States, India, China, Mexico and Canada. As I spent time learning in those countries, I incorporated their ancient philosophies, traditional native medicine and cultural elements into my work. 


My Guideposts

In my journey, many roads I have chosen, though tumultuous as they were, brought me the most beautiful moments which allowed me to share the gift that I am with others. Those beautiful moments brought me many insights, which became my wonderful guideposts.

  • My journey began as a child. At an early age I was aware that we are all connected to everything. I intuitively knew the importance of self-awareness and intentional behavior choices in order for us to have a healthy and well life. If we didn’t know who we are at the core of being (not just the physical health and appearance, but what makes us who we are such as our deepest fears, needs, desires and where they come from), how can we navigate our life, relate to others and our environment, and make a series of decisions to have a healthy happy life?

    I believe that health is not just limited to physical aspects, but  applies to all aspects of life, such as emotional, mental, physical and spiritual dimensions. Therefore, it is essential for me to incorporate various modalities to provide multiple angles to work with different areas in which my client may struggle, so that they can become aware of how they are feeling, how their body is communicating, and how they can change and modify what they do in their daily life. This awareness is essential to promote healing and become well from within.

  • As I got interested in cultures, beliefs, religions, and society living in different countries, I discovered how everything worked in such a connected manner. Although it seemed like venturing into the unknown at times, I realized we all contributed to each other just like we all sang to each other’s ways.This realization solidified my belief that we can create such a beautiful awareness by allowing ourselves to share who we are and the gifts that we are.

    In our journey of life, choices we make may often be in conflict with a truth we know. Sometimes we go along with what we know within us (intuition), and sometimes we use logic and reason to go against our intuition. Then, we become aware of how our choices affect consequences.

    When we follow what we know deep inside, we find what we experience is not just only for us, but for all involved. In fact, everything we do affects everyone. When a pebble is thrown into a pond, ripples run across the water surface. In the same way, we affect others and others affect us.

  • In my life, any time I came into new situations and experiences I used the opportunities to incorporate all I knew and put myself thoroughly in the experiences. Those opportunities often lead me my happiest. I came to understand that so much joy will return to us when we put ourselves in our experiences with an open heart.

    Through my practice I have met many beautiful people. As I looked deeply into their heart, I saw their true self. However, despite my effort to navigate them to allow themselves to see that true self, they would not permit themselves to acknowledge the true self because of their upbringing and belief systems. I needed to let those people go on with their lives until they are ready to accept their true self not only within themselves but also allow others to be in the presence. Only we can allow ourselves to be seen as we are.

    The greatest gifts in my journey have been to witness people’s willingness to share who they are at their core. Because the joy of their being is apparent and transcending in everything they do. Although the journeys to get there may seem dark or scary, being able to allow ourselves to flow through experiences and allow the gift of who we are and love that we are deep within is the most beautiful creation.

  • Living life from an unconditional space has been a huge part of my journey. Through the services I offer, I hope people I get to meet are willing to receive with an open heart so that they can see their own magnificence within themselves.

    Here’s a saying that I hold dear to me and work to live by:

    Life is a mystery to live by. Not a problem to be solved. Live it.”