Meri Maccanelli, MKT, LC, MRT, CNT
I am an alchemist therapist and have been practicing for the past 40 years. My life experiences and choices have taken me to many different areas of holistic healing. Throughout my life I have been led to learning the untraditional, traditional and varied means of healing for oneself and for others.I am certified and accredited in various techniques. Some of the modalities that I use are Body Awareness, Conscious Coaching, Kinetic Therapy, Energy Medicine (Qigong and Nia yoga), remedial therapies.
My own experiences with hyper-activity, an eating disorder and IBS led me to study Ayuvedic philosophy, yoga and meditation. In the years that followed I was led to Naturalopathy for combating fears, relationship issues, and the loss/death of my family. While studying Naturalopathy doors were opened for me to study Oriental medicine in China. In China I was able to learn the medicine and how to relate this with the lifestyle and situations one creates throughout life’s journey. Inspired by what I had always known, I began to play my part to reach many.
My alchemist approach to healing and wellness is unique. I focus on the needs of the individuals instead of offering a typical one-size-fits-all approach. My intention is to help my clients obtain their highest quality of awareness in health.
After 40 years of work, I have combined my studies to form my style of work, Kinetic Therapy. I continue to learn and share my knowledge in Herbalogy, Nutrition, body work, coaching-emotional release techniques, physical release techniques, and spiritual well being. My work is my path and encouraging all whom I encounter as part of my journey.
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