Meridian And Auric Clearing

What Is It?

Meridians and Auras are the energetic signature of our being.

 Auras are all about energy, as we go about living our lives, we can pick up energy from other people and the outside world, making us feel off and ungrounded.

A meridian is an energetic highway in the human body. Meridians allow for the flow of energy, known as Qi (pronounced “chee”), to circulate throughout the body. Meridians exist in corresponding pairs and each meridian has multiple acupuncture points along the pathway.

Meridians can become blocked or communication through the meridians can become stagnant usually due to stress, illness and poor lifestyle habits. This can wreak havoc to the meridian flow and therefore dysregulate the whole system resulting in illness and chronic pain.

Our aura and meridians work together to help us maintain our highest health and wellbeing, emotionally, physically, spiritually and overall.

This is where aura and meridian cleansing comes into play to clear away the energies of the outside world or stagnation for flow and balance.

What Are The Benefits?

The benefits of this modality include:

  • Clears our emotions body of unwanted energies

  • Calms anxiety and removes inner conflict

  • Brings balance flow of energy throughout our body

  • Increase in energy flow

Who Is This For?

This modality is for those who:

  • Wanting harmony

  • balanced emotions

  • More energy

  • Increased level of life and living