Body Awareness/Consciousness Coaching for life

This service may be for those who:

  • Feel lost in their life

  • Cannot find purpose in their day to day activities and what they do

  • Have a sense of chaos in everything they do and everywhere they go

  • Face hurdles and challenges in their professional and/or personal life

  • Struggle to feel connected to others and life itself

  • $150 for 75 minutes (1.25 hours)

  • $225 for 150 minutes (2.5 hours)

Nutrition and Diet Coaching

This service may be for those who:

  • Feel disconnected from their body

  • Have constant or frequently occurring problems in their body

  • Struggle with weight management

  • Face challenges with allergies

  • $150 for 75 minutes (1.25 hours)

  • $225 for 150 minutes (2.5 hours)

Body Awareness through Conscious Movement

This service may be for those who:

  • Struggle to motivate to move physically

  • Have a love and hate relationship with their body

  • Face mobility issues

  • Struggle to feel connected to their body

  • Are unable to move out of their comfort zone in their life

  • $125 for 60 minutes (1 hour)

Frequency Technique

This service may be for those who:

  • Feel lost in their life

  • Cannot find purpose in their day to day activities and what they do

  • Have a sense of chaos in everything they do and everywhere they go

  • Face hurdles and challenges in their professional and/or personal life

  • Struggle to feel connected to others and life itself

  • $150 for 60 minutes (1 hour)

Infrared Sauna Therapy and Activated Ozone Therapy

This service may be for those who:

  • Detox the body, release toxins (heavy metals, environmental and others

  • Stimulate sweat glands leaving the body refreshed

  • Feel constant fatigue in their body

  • Struggle with mobility issues

  • Feel cold in their body constantly

  • Lose physical sensations in peripherals (such as fingers and toes)

  • 40 for 1 session

  • $175 for 5 sessions

  • $350 for 10 sessions

  • Each sauna session is 30 minutes (1/2 hour)

Relaxation treatments:


45 minutes  | $75

Cleanse, mask, tone and massage with 100% natural products, steam and hydrate.

1 hour | $125

Cleanse, mask, tone, massage and microcurrent frequencies, steam and hydrate.


30-45 minutes | $45

A hand bath with essential oils, clean up nails, cuticles, scrub hand and moisturize. A hand reflexology done as well. Paint the nails  with body loving polish, if you choose.


45 minutes - 1 hour | $50

A foot soak with ozone frequencies infused water, clean up nails, scrub the feet and moisture. A bit of reflexology and finish by painting the nails with body loving polish, if you choose.

Ozone frequency foot bath

20 - 45 minutes | $80

In this foot bath, the ozone is immersed into the water along with silicon electrodes that carry the Blue Stimulate frequency. This helps oxygenate the cells, muscles, blood and nerves of the body promoting the body's own capability to release toxins (lactic acid), resolve trauma, release tension, create circulation thereby reducing inflammation and creates a relaxing sense for the person. Earclips are placed on the earlobes that allow the RELAX frequency to carry this to the neurons in the brain and begin to rebuild circulation from top to bottom in the body.