Choices, Choices, Choices. What Would You Choose?

My name is Meri Maccanelli. I am an intuit. At the age of 5, I was able to see auras, body disharmonies and emotional distresses in people. I realized that I had the ability to communicate easily and I was encouraged to follow these guides. Over the years I took courses to understand at a deeper level how I could use this to assist anyone to develop themselves and find clarity and freedom from their pain or discomfort. It has become a passion to be of service for the journey of others.

At Meri Magic, I take an alchemical approach to let you unravel and release what you have stored deep within by working together.

I am committed to staying with you through your healing process. You will be able to embrace many aspects that you have not been able to with simple techniques: nutrition, herbs, exercises or movement therapy, life coaching, talk therapy, and frequency modalities to help you step out of your problem areas, and step into the heart of you. 

This is how you find the joy of being you and live the experience of the magic of you.

I Am Here With You

My goal is to assist you in achieving and maintaining your best possible state of being.

My methods include body- emotional, mental, physical and conscious awareness coaching, remedial strategies via herbs and foods with nutritional coaching, exercise direction (traditional western and eastern form), and methods of transforming thought patterns.

My Assistance Is Comprehensive And May Include:

  • Conscious Coaching sessions for transformational ideas

  • Holistic remedial strategies with nutritional and cooking guidance

  • Body awareness coaching including Qi Gong, exercise, stretching, and movement plan

  • Alternative healing approaches such as astrology, and meridian and auric clearing

  • Using Frequencies to help prompt the body’s own healing journey

I choose to integrate various modalities to help you discover and re-learn how your body is communicating with you for healing and optimizing the state of your being. I also incorporate my intuition and years of working knowledge to guide you through the world of energies so that you can live the life you love.

If you are inspired to work with me, please contact me directly. Here, in the initial session, we will tailor a custom program to guide you to discovering your best possibilities, together.